One of the smaller plants of the genus endemic to Brazil where it grows on mossy rocks and trees from Sea level to 800m. –(2700 ft.). Pseudobulbs are 15-16cm.-(6”) tall- bi-foliate with leaves which are dark green/reddish/purple; inflorescence bear one to five fragrant flowers which appear late spring, Early summer. These are 10cm.-(4”) across, sepals and petals are olive-brown to mahogany-brown dark maroon spots, the lip is basically white, heavily veined in deep purple with a central yellow suffusion; he column is white streaked and spotted purple. Reasonably long lasting.
Prefers to be on slabs of either cork; tree-fern or teak and grown in intermediate temperatures with good light, 65% or more humidity and good fresh air movement. Benefits from regular misting when in growth.